Monday, April 19, 2010

Let's Ride

Learning to ride a bike has been frustrating for Tarin.  On April 11, 2010 she was determined to become a master!  She spent the afternoon riding her scooter around, she came up to me with a sad look and said "I wish I had something else to ride."  I looked at her bike and replied "well if you want me to take the training wheels off your bike and practice, I can."  She thought about it for a minute and said "OK! If I can keep my balance on the scooter, I can do it on my bike!" I was shocked, balancing is what she was mostly concerned about! She has been so afraid of falling. Little did either one of us know it  would only take her a few minutes and she was off.  I of course stood in the road and praised her through my tears!  Once she was comfortable, we went for a ride around the island.  I don't know who was more excited...

Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving. ~Albert Einstein

Easter Egg Hunt

On the Saturday before Easter a local church held an Easter egg hunt for the kids, for the past two years we have joined Karen, Megan and Sara. There are refreshments and pictures with the Easter Bunny while we wait.  Even though the weather was a bit chilly and damp the had the hunts outside.
Miss Sara waiting for her age group to begin!
On a mission to fill her bucket! Go Sara Go!!
Showing off her prizes! She even won a mini basket! Way to go Sara!!
Megan and Tarin waiting for the next age group!
Megan hunting eggs!
Megan and Tarin getting their picture with Easter Bunny

Tarin waiting for her turn to hunt eggs!



Well pleaseth me the sweet time of Easter,
That maketh the leaf and the flower come out. ~Bertran de Born

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Squirrel Magnolias

Early this week while we were doing some yard work, we spotted one of the many squirrels.  This little guy jumped from our roof to the neighbors magnolia tree (which I admire every spring!).  Surprisingly he sat there long enough for me to snap a few pictures of him.  I'm hoping to get pictures of the black squirrels we have here on the island.

As I mentioned before I love this magnolia tree! It blooms early April barely making it to May. I open the bathroom window and there it stands with soft pink petals that will easily glide to the ground as the wind blows.  The petals have now covered the ground and I hope the remaning petals hold tight to the branches, just for a little while longer!

April hath put a spirit of youth in everything. ~William Shakespeare