Friday, May 7, 2010

Science Central Field Trip

This year the 2nd graders field trip was to Science Central in Fort Wayne, Indiana and I got to chaperone!  Tarin loves science and was excited to get to go again so soon.
This is the Mars Rover exhibit, the kids used the controls to control the robot arms to pick up things just like Mars Rover.
Moonwalking was the favorite for our group!

Tilted Room was another favorite!
A new exhibit was the "telescope" as the group referred to it. It is actually called Hubble Space Telescope. It was my favorite exhibit. They had pictures of different galaxies, planets and of course hands on activities for the kids.
Riley, Brittany, Tarin, Elijah and Kaleb
After lunch the kids had time to play on a nearby playground before the hour and half ride home.
A day of Science, lunch, new playground to explore and a long bus ride wore my 2nd grader out!  It was an amazing day.  I'm thankful that I have had the oppurtunity to be homeroom parent this year and to get to know the kids. 

Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.
~Edwin Powell Hubble, The Nature of Science, 1954

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