Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Visit with Family

On Friday June 4th, my Grams (who lives in Nevada), Aunt Rhonda and Cousin Amanda (whom I've only met once) came to visit and see our house.

Great Aunt Rhonda brought Tarin a set of pastels. Tarin and Grams drew pictures together.
Macy loves Grams and wanted to draw too.
Playing Wii boxing with Great Aunt Rhonda!
Boxing with Great Grams
Listening to music
Cousin Amanda napping after lunch!
Grams and Casey talking.
No visit is complete without pictures by the water.  It was a little windy!
Aunt Rhonda riding Tarin's scooter.
Tarin and Great Aunt Rhonda taking a cruise around the island.

I have missed my family, I am so thankful that they came up to visit.  Luckily we do get to see each other through Skype but nothing beats seeing each other in person.

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. ~Jane Howard