Friday, October 15, 2010

New Knoxville Fireman's Picnic

Our soon to be brother in-law Ben (Sparky) is a fireman for New Knoxville and invited us all to come to enjoy a smack your lips, lick your fingers, drooling just of the smell chicken dinner and to watch the local firemen compete for bragging rights as they race to take off the doors of cars. It was alot of fun to watch and Tarin was just as excited to roam around the park by herself.

Free train rides around the park! 
Life Flight landing 

Floyd, Ben and Ashley 

Ben's team beat the other New Knoxville team, in the first was the older guys against the younger ones. 

Dale and Floyd 
They made it to the final round but with no lighting on their side they got 2nd place. 

Ben's dad and future father in-law

So as you look at the firefighter with his rake, hose or axe,

His beet red face or ice covered mustache,

You should know why he goes through that smoky front door,

And is forced to crawl like a baby down on the floor.

He does it to save both lives and property,

All that is precious to you and to me.

So take a good look at this modern warrior who serves his call proud and true,

And know that he would die just to save me and you.

~Robert J. Athans